Welcome to my monthly book round up! Here I dive into what I read this month.
This is the first of many monthly round-ups. Every last Friday of the month will be a quick overview of what I read this month and how blogging has been.
Wow, this was a big month for me. I officially launched this blog at the end of January so this was my first full month of not only reading books but blogging and working full time! Believe me, it has been A LOT.
I started this blog on a whim, and it took me two weeks to design and set up my website (that’s not very long). If you’ve been here since the beginning, you probably noticed the layout changed—because two weeks ago, I realized I hated how it looked (LOL).
The biggest challenge has been finding time to read and post while keeping up with my life before this impulsive decision. I definitely got in my head about it, but looking back, I wasn’t giving myself enough grace. By the time this post goes up, I’ll have only been doing this for a month! That is nowhere near enough time to be overly critical.
I still have a lot to learn, and my blog might go through a few more changes to make sure I don’t burn out and continue enjoying the process. But so far, I’ve loved writing these posts. I’m a professional yapper at heart, and this blog is my way of putting my thoughts into words—so here we are! With that said I hope you do stick around as this blog grows and evolves.
Now let’s have a Book Round Up!
In case anyone is curious I finished reading seven books this month not a lot by my standards, but all things considered. This will probably reach ten by the time I post this. A majority were romance as expected but I did branch out into more modern contemporary books and fantasy. I have just started a new thriller which I am excited about and hope to review. I also read my favourite book of the year so far, Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez. I can’t wait to dive into the rest of the series, as I have heard amazing things. Honestly though, my God did I love that book! Probably the best romance I’ve read in a long time. It was well written, the plot flowed beautifully and the romance was gripping and fulfilling. It really pulled at my heartstrings.
I also read Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko, and it was such a pleasant surprise. I don’t typically reach for YA anymore, as I’ve outgrown the category, but this book completely pulled me in. I didn’t read this in one go because I made the again daft decision of reading various books at the same time (I’m trying to stop this) but I was captivated every time I picked it up. It wasn’t predictable, which I appreciated—I loved the twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I also delved into the audiobook which was beautifully done!
One of my favourite aspects was the richly woven universe. While deeply rooted in West African particularly Nigerian influences, the world-building also draws inspiration from a variety of cultures, creating a setting that feels both unique and expansive. The lore, the magic system, and the beautifully crafted relationships between characters (even as young as they were) made for an immersive reading experience. I’m planning to read the second book next month, so stay tuned for a full review once I dive back into it.
I also read Sula by Toni Morrison—my first book by her—and it’s been a long time since I read something so raw and hard-hitting. Morrison is a technical master; she writes with such skill and depth that everything comes alive. The book was nothing like I expected going into it. Honestly, I don’t think I’m quite ready—nor do I have the right words—to fully unpack how Sula made me feel or the profound impact it had on me. I might never. So instead, I’ll just say: read it for yourself and let me know what you think.
Outside of these three reads, nothing else has stood out to me lately.
That said, I’m heading on holiday next week, and my book for the trip is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab—which I am so excited to finally read! The premise is incredibly intriguing, and I am continuing the journey of exploring something different from my usual picks. I’m always looking to expand and diversify my reading experience, so I’m curious to see where this story takes me. Here’s to hoping it’s as magical and thought-provoking as everyone says!
With that said, happy February, thank you for embarking on this journey with me!
See you next month!
A Mo-tivated Reader ☺️
About to add Sula and Raybearer to my to read list. Can’t wait hear your thoughts on part of you world 🥰